Monday, July 16, 2007

My camera died

I would be having an unholy conniption, but I feel weirdly blessed. It had gone blank once in Oaxaca, in the middle of my lunch of chichilo, one more mole on my list, but it had miraculously come back from the dead and I had hoped, in the way people who know nothing about technology hope, that my camera had somehow fixed itself. So when it went blank at the Museo de Anthropología in Mexico City, I wasn´t surprised. More importantly, I wasn´t devastated because I was there with my friend and old roommate Erin, who had flown in from San Francisco to spend two weeks with me in Mexico.

Erin is the kind of woman, who in the first hours of catching up, informed me that she had recently made the conchinita pibil, a giant piece of pork slow-cooked in banana leaves in the Yucatecan style, and that it was the most delicious thing she had ever made. This news item ranked right up there with news about her work life and her love life. In addition to having a generous, pork-loving heart, Erin has a digital camera with an enormous memory chip, and she happily agreed to contribute to the photographic record of our meals in Distrito Federal. After all, she had shown up in Mexico City with a map on which she had marked in pink highlighter where to find the best ice cream, churros (Mexican fritters), and other culinary gems.

And as if my luck could not get better, I managed to email my friend Elena, who is also flying in from San Francisco in a week, get her work address, order a new camera on Amazon, and have it shipped to her by overnight mail so that she can bring it with her to Oaxaca, all within an hour at an internet cafe on Saturday afternoon.

So Dear Readers, all ten of you, do not fear! Even better photos will soon appear on this blog. (And I'll be posting soon about the amazing panuchos I ate and more at my cooking lesson at Seasons of My Heart.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog :) Love Bianca